Wednesday 5 January 2011

Approach Conflict

The First Force: Psychodynamic Approach
The Second Force: Behaviourist Approach
The Third Force: Humanistic Approach


Behaviourist - Conflicts with Psychodynamic - must be measureable behaviour (Psychodynamic all subconcious)

Biological - Conflicts with Psychodynamic (Psychoanalysis treats unconscious in a physical way)

Humanistic - Conflicts with Psychodynamic (unconscious) , Behaviourist (Conditioning) , Biological (chemical make-up) *Remember as The Girl - BITCH! HATES EVERYONE GRRR*

Cognitive - Conflicts with Behaviourists (study scientifically and inbetween process)

Note to self: When in doubt, if this question comes up in the exam and you forget, use Psychodynamic. As the First real approach to psychology it can be "disputed with new knowledge"

The 5 Approaches

 - Sigmund Freud, Vienna, Austria (1856-1939)

Explainations of behaviour through unconscious mental processes.


The Talking Cure - talking will "make the unconscious, conscious"
Free Association,
Dream Analysis,


Trauma will trigger pieces of the "iceberg" to float to the surface. This will manifest itself as a disorder, phobia, etc.

Continuum of Psychological Health

Ego Defence Mechanisms

Do Rats Run Past Dogs?
  • Denial - refusal to believe the truth [e.g. - cancer ]
  • Rationalisation -  rational reasons to explain our behaviour
  • Regression - reutning to childlike behaviour to cope with stress [e.g. TANTRUMS! ]
  • Projection - project our feelings onto others  [ e.g. The mormon incident? ]
  •  Displacement - anger passed onto an easier subject because aggressing against the real target is too dangerous [ e.g. worker shouts at receptionist because they cannot take true anger out on boss ]

 - Watson and Skinner (1915) , (1930)  
Focuses on observable, measureable behaviour.

Classical Conditioning- Pavlov's Dogs

 Behaviourists believe we are "conditioned" to learn to associate "stimulus" with "response"

 Unconditioned stimulus (UCS) - "natural"
Unconditioned response (UCR) - "natural" 
Neutral stimulus (NS) -  "no reaction until association"
Conditioned stimulus (CS) - "artifical"
Conditioned response - (CR) - "artifical"

Aversion Therapy

Therapy style used to treat undesirable behaviour to create CS - unpleasant CR

Alcoholics using Antabuse, makes them sick and potentially deadly. (Think about Darin)
60% sucess rate after 1 year
50% of them return to drink 
(Weins and Menustik 1983)


Human thought and behaviour is a product of psysiology and genetics.
All psychological problems (such as Depression) can be cured physically (such as Drug Therapy, Councilling)

Does abnormal flows of chemicals cause psychological disorders?
(as Biological Psychologists believe)
Is a change in chemical balance a effefct of a psychological disorder?

"The Origin of Species by Natural Selection"
- Charles Darwin (1859)  

Survival of the fittest/luckiest - those with best genes and enviornmental situation will survive.*
*Natural disasters (dinosaurs) and Unnatural disasters (hunt Dodo)
Natural Selection - mutations (copying error)
Un-useful mutations will die out (most do!)

Evolution of Humans
  • Opposable Thumbs, Bi-pedalism, tool making
  • Meat eating for brain expansion
  • Language development
  • Theory of Mind & Social Skills - Oneself and others have beliefs, attitudes etc.

Drug Therapy
ECT (Royal Edinburgh Hospital!)
 - Carl Rodgers (1902 - 1987) Abraham Maslow (1908 - 1970)

Known as the "Third Force"

Psychodynamic - (1900's) - First Force
Behaviourist - (1930/50's) - Second Force
Humanistic - (1960's) - Third Force

We are not simply products of biology, unconscious, traumas or conditioning. 
We are all unique so "measurements" or generalisations are not tailored to individuals, so inappropriate. *alternative explanations!*
Focus on what makes humans happy, maximising potential.

 Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs

  •  Freud's "unconscious motivation by sex and aggression drives rejected
  • Maslow's theory - motivated by need to grow to "self actualisation"
  • Heirarchy - growing, "moving up the ladder"

Person Centered Therapy

Created by Carl Rodgers in mind with Marlow's Heirarchy

 The aim of P.C. Therapy is that the gap between the Ideal self and the Percieved self is reduced within an acceptable congruent

 - 1950's

Cognitive Psychologists believe that the mind cannot be studied objectively and scientifically (Behaviourist)
The crutical difference is they study the "inbetween interpretation" stage of the Behaviourist approach's theory (conditioned learning from stimulus and response)

Printing a Picture from a USB
Input device: USB
Mediational Process: system unit and printer reading (internal software)
Output: Picture :D

Two Woman Building a Bridge
Input: Material and situation
Mediational Process: Perception, Memory, Attention, Language, Thinking
Output: Bridge the woman can happily walk over ;)

Visual Interpretation

  The world is 2D but perception lets us see things 3D. Interpreting clues (shadows) as depth indicators.

Gestalt Psychology (1910)

 Biological tendency to shape the world we see - perception is natural
"Tidy up" sensations to make them meaningful.

The Gestalt Shift

Figure and background is first picked up on from sensory information. Gestalt Shift - flick between two interpretations of an image. Two images impossible to see at once.


 Albert Ellis Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT)
 The A B C D E Model