Monday 4 April 2011

Mary Ainsworth (1970's)

"The Strange Situation"


To find the quality of attachment between mother and child

106 children in America with their mothers will enter an artifical playroom situation. A researcher is behind a ONE WAY MIRROR, recording reactions from the child. 8 Episodes are then carried out:
  1. The mother and child play in the lab. 
  2. A stranger enters the room - Stranger Anxiety is measured by researcher
  3. Mother leaves - Separation Anxiety is measured by the researcher
  4. Mother returns - Reunion Behaviour is measured by the researcher
*These stages then repeat

66% - TYPE B - Secure Attachment 

Mum presence - content
Absence - distressed
Return - greets
Stranger comfort - some
Mum - sensitive
22% - TYPE A - Anxious Avoidant Attachement
Mum presence - not bothered
Absence - not bothered
Return - avoids very strongly
Stranger comfort - avoid strongly
Mum - ignores child
12% - TYPE C - Anxious Resistant Attachment

Mum presence - unsure
Absence - intense distress
Return - rejects
Stranger comfort - resists
Mum - behaves ambivalently

Children's behaviour varies
Attachment is influenced by mum's emotional responsiveness

Type B - Mum is sensitive to child
Type A - Mum ignores the child ; child learnt rejection from mum
Type C - Mum is ambivalent to child ; child learns inconsistant love


Ethological Validity is low - artifical situation
Unethical to place a child in distress
Gender Bias - assuming the woman is the main attachment figure
Small sample size of 106
Cultural Bias - held in America

- Vaughn et al. (1980) - change in family circumstances affect children's behaviour
- Larsern and Deiner (1987) - Biological differences between children may mean some infants have a difficult temperament so attachments could be problematic
- Main and Solomon (1990) - repeated the experiment and found
Type D - Disorganised - Abused children
Inconsistant behaviour, confusion, indecisiveness. Children act as the attachment figure and enviornment is a soure of fear.
Sterotyped abused behaviours such as freezing and rocking for self comfort.

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